The Meng Wenzhou Signification

Decenter Journal – Read away from the center! Resist indoctrination!

It seems strange to see a sea of people crowding in an airport, waving the national flag, and waiting for just another not-so-special civilian coming back to China after prolong legal trouble overseas. It did not even happen for Sergent Bergdahl; the Talian captured U.S. soldier released after five years; whether he worth it or not, that’s another story.

To understand the Chinese reaction to the release of Meng, you have to go back 200 years and learn what the Chinese have gone through during this period of time.

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Why Huawei has to go? The book by Snowden shed the light.

Decenter Journal – Read away from the center! Resist indoctrination!

Huawei has to go. It is detrimental to national security in the United States. This is what the US has been telling us. The US goes full force to prevent other countries from using Huawei’s 5G technology. Recently, some clues finally revealed themselves on the reason why Huawei has to go and why the United States is desperately trying to get rid of it. It is not about competition for the 5G contract, as the United States has no company at the moment to offer 5G to compete with Huawei. Let’s see what seems to be the truth.

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Who crashed the passenger flight in Tehran?

Decenter Journal: Read away from the center! Resist indoctrination!

Two days after the crash of the passenger flight of Ukrainian International Airline PS752 from Tehran to Kyiv, Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, told media that they have intelligence indicating that the plane was shot down by Iranian surface-to-air missile. Coincidentally, Trudeau made this statement moments after Trump expresses their “suspicion” along the same line.

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A miscalculation of killing Soleimani, the US laid bare the deterioration of its dominant power in the world

Decenter Journal – Read away from the center! Resist indoctrination!

The United States, being the dominant power of the world after World War II, has been maintained unchallenged for the last seven decades. Intellectuals and scholars have been proposing the gradual demise of its power in terms of economic data. For example, the United States accounted for 20.09% of world GDP in 1989 and it decreased to 15.11% in 2019 while China accounted for 4.09% of world GDP in 1989 and increased to 19.25% in 2019 (Data from IMF). However, we still look at the United States as the most powerful nation as it dominates the cultural and media discourse of the world, of who is evil and who is God. When the United States tell us that Saddam Huissein, Muammar Gaddafi, Osama bin Laden, and Bashar Hafez al-Assad are absolute evil to our world, we believed him without blinking of an eye. But how much do we know these evils of our world? Nothing.

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South Park and China

Decenter Journal – Read away from the center! Resist Indoctrination!

“I can’t do it anymore you guys. I can’t even think with the Chinese government censoring anything I write.”

“I can’t sell my soul like this, I wanna get away from that farm more than anything, it’s not worth living in a world where China controls my country’s art.”

“Anybody who would betray their ideal just to make money in China isn’t worth a lick of spit.” Excerpts from South Park – The Return of Fingerbang

Because of this episode of South Park, the program is banned in China.

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