Orientalism by Edward Said

I was introduced to the idea of Orientalism five years ago. Since then, I have read a few times of this book and most recently last month. Orientalism refers to discourses that construct fixed and unchanging characteristics, most typically those interpreted as backward, childlike, and illogical, to the East to justify their domination by British colonizers. It was a revolutionary idea introduced by the famous post-colonialism scholar Edward Said who was a Palestinian American and a professor of literature at Colombia University.

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The Coming of the Third Reich by Richard J. Evans

The first thing that comes to mind usually when we talk about the Nazi regime is their brutal treatment of the Jewish people in Europe during their reign in Germany. We know so much about the infamous concentration camps in Dachau and Auschwitz, the mass extermination in Treblinka, and the cyanide gas chamber as the final solution to the “Jewish Problem.”

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South Park and China

Decenter Journal – Read away from the center! Resist Indoctrination!

“I can’t do it anymore you guys. I can’t even think with the Chinese government censoring anything I write.”

“I can’t sell my soul like this, I wanna get away from that farm more than anything, it’s not worth living in a world where China controls my country’s art.”

“Anybody who would betray their ideal just to make money in China isn’t worth a lick of spit.” Excerpts from South Park – The Return of Fingerbang

Because of this episode of South Park, the program is banned in China.

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Dixie Chicks, Houston Rockets, and NBA

Decenter Journal – Read away from the center! Resist indoctrination!

“Just so you know, we’re on the good side with y’all. We do not want this war [the Iraq Invasion], this violence. And we’re ashamed the president of the United States is from Texas.” This was a line Dixie Chick, a popular country music band, said on stage during a concert in London back in 2003, when George W. Bush was the POTUS, and 9-11 was on its second anniversary. The sentiment for fighting terrorism was at its highest point that any criticism of the impending Iraq War caused extreme backlash from the American public. The band has yet recovered after 16 years, although nowadays the Iraq War is believed to be a scam and fraud. However, it does not change a bit of the public sentiment toward the band even now.

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On Anarchism by Noam Chomsky

Anarchism for me seems to be an extreme and radical form of government. I am interested in reading what is it all about only because Noam Chomsky, being called an anarchist, is everything but radical. That makes anarchism interesting to me in the first place. By reading his book, or by understanding what is anarchism, I learned the most not about anarchism, but what is really democracy and socialism.

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