Who crashed the passenger flight in Tehran?

Decenter Journal: Read away from the center! Resist indoctrination!

Two days after the crash of the passenger flight of Ukrainian International Airline PS752 from Tehran to Kyiv, Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, told media that they have intelligence indicating that the plane was shot down by Iranian surface-to-air missile. Coincidentally, Trudeau made this statement moments after Trump expresses their “suspicion” along the same line.

More conveniently, around the same time, a video surfaced on the internet, claiming that it shows the moment the plane got hit by the Iranian missile.

Let’s forget about the so-called intelligence as both Trudeau and Trump revealed no specifics to support their allegation, as usual. So, we left only with the video as evidence for the moment. The video shows a small bright flying object collided with another dark object in the sky and caused a small explosion (it is far up the sky, that’s why it looks small). The viewer would not be able to see an actual plane or an actual missile. But the image of a small bright object can easily resemble a missile. However, to claim that it was an Iranian missile hitting PS752 is far-fetched. We do not even know if the one shooting the video was in Iran. Remember the ABC reporting on “slaughter in Syria” by Turkish army, that later was found the video shows a shooting practice in Kentucky? No need to explain more.

If we consider the hard facts of the incident, there is still no evidence to suggest the crash was caused by a missile:

  1. It is less than 48 hours after the crash. It would set a world record if anyone knew what happened to the crash in such a short time.
  2. Blackbox is still with Iran.
  3. Iran’s retaliation attack at the U.S. sites in Iraq happened around 2 a.m. while the flight PS752 took off from the airport at Tehran at 6:10 am, by then the military operation had long been done
  4. Radar data or satellite records show no missile record.

There are other suspicious points:

  1. Security concern of Boeing’s Backdoor system that can easily be hacked and taken control by someone who knows this loophole well.
  2. Passenger list: 82 Iranians, 63 Canadians, 10 Swedes, 4 Afghans, and 3 Britons. Another 11 were Ukrainian. Even the list consists of Swedes, Britons, and Canadians, if you check out at their names, none of them were of North European descent.
  3. The fact that the flight is a Boeing and a Ukrainian International Airline cast suspicion on the American’s involvement. Ukraine is effectively a “province” of the United States after the revolution in 2014 while Boeing is…well…Boeing. To coordinate some tragedy like this to happen would be as easy as a summer breeze.

So what can we conclude from all this information on what caused the crash? Nothing. However, we can conclude that it is despicable that the Head of States making an allegation without a drop of fact. This bit’s for sure.

While I am finishing this piece of writing, a piece of news just pops up saying that Pompeo is announcing that they don’t know “precisely when – and we don’t know precisely where. But it was real …” that Soleimani was planning an attack American’s assets in the area. Pompeo did not know when and where the American might be attacked, but for precaution, a drone was sent to kill Soleimani first, just in case.